This content was originally published by The Hop Review, a digital magazine that joined the Hop Culture family in March 2020.
This piece was written by Nick Costa.
When the craft beer scene really started to take off half a decade ago, I, like so many others, was instantly hooked. I wanted to learn everything I could about beer and how it was made. That is when I started home brewing with a friend, and like with all hobbies, you start as a novice, and over time and with some self education you dive deeper and deeper, and in the case of home brewing, make many mistakes along the way.
Lucky for me, I have always had that go-to resource when things went awry. First it was John Palmer’s How to Brew, then it was Charlie Papazian’s The Complete Joy of Homebrewing, and as amazing as both of those books are, and the countless things I have learned from them, I think I have found a new go to resource in Randy Mosher’s Mastering Homebrewing: The Complete Guide to Brewing Delicious Beer.
Mosher, one of the most respected men in beer and homebrewing, not to mention the author of other classics such as Radical Brewing and Tasting Beer, brings the ultimate guide to the craft, whether it is your first batch or thousandth. The book is definitely dense, but with Randy’s wit, plain-spoken instruction, and hundreds of colorful graphics and illustrations, the book is approachable for everyone. Randy will show you how to appreciate beer in a way you have never imagined.