In the craft beer industry, camaraderie triumphs rivalry, collaboration conquers competition, and passion overwhelms obstacles. Beer lovers are a special group, united by a magical elixir and driven to innovate, create, and share our love with the world. Of course, we have our issues and hurdles and internal struggles, but the standard for sharing within the industry is unlike most others. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a novice homebrewer, a multitude of resources lie within reach: websites, forums, buddies, and brewery tours, to name a few. Interested in making some beer of your own? Below is a list of the best places on the internet to find free homebrewing recipes.
American Homebrewer’s Association
A visit to the Homebrewer’s Association’s website is a must for all aspiring homebrewers, not only for the comprehensive list of recipes but also for the brewing tips, techniques, and culture-based news that the site offers. Recipes are organized by skill level (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and vary based on the equipment available to each individual brewer.
Beer Recipes
This website is as straightforward as it’s URL. You need to sign up with your email address, but once you do, you can access recipes, post reviews, and interact with homebrew pals from across the world. Perhaps the most interesting part of this website is the inclusion of the Beer Judging Certification Program Guidelines — craft your homebrews to be contest-worthy.
Not only home to a multitude of free homebrew recipes, is a place to establish yourself within the homebrewing community. Upload your own recipes, use other homebrewers’ recipes, share them, rate them, or tweak them to become your own using the website’s recipe calculator. As with, you need to sign up with a valid email address.
Brew Your Own
Brew Your Own Magazine is another popular resource for homebrewers, especially those looking for a range of information. If you don’t get the print version, you can still check them out online: the website contains a Resource Guide for troubleshooting, terminology, and brewing basics, as well as an extensive recipe index that includes replications of popular craft microbrews, such as Sierra Nevada’s Pale Ale.
Join groups, follow other brewers, engage in forums and discussions about specific beer, and, most importantly, access hundreds of recipes that have been tried and tested and tweaked by the Brewtoad community. Recipe kits are available to purchase, but recipes are listed for free. Sign up for a free membership, or upgrade to Brewtoad Pro to use more of the website’s features, like unlimited private recipes, multiple equipment profiles, and prioritized support.