Travel Guide: Fort Collins, Colorado

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Dating back to the mid-1700’s, the Belgian pale ale is among the various Belgian styles that combines malty and fruity flavors into an easily drinkable beer. Typically 4 percent ABV or less, it takes cues from other popular beers of the time, such as English ales and Czech pilsners, using a similar hop and malt bill. However, the Belgian pale ale separated itself by sticking with Belgian yeast and continuing the Belgian tradition of adding spices.

Generally, this is one of the lighter Belgian styles. Popular current day options include Ommegang Rare Vos and Samuel Adams Belgian Session.

The Belgian pale ale’s low alcohol content combined with the added spices make it the perfect “go-to” beverage on a fall afternoon. For the foodies, try pairing with seafood and fried dishes.

Buy a Fantastic Belgian Pale Ale: $16