Despite the recent boom of the craft beer industry, several segments of the craft community have been underrepresented — namely, women and people of color. However, that’s starting to change. The Brewers Association recently appointed J. Nikol Jackson-Beckham to the position of Diversity Ambassador in an effort to promote diversity in craft, and we at Hop Culture wanted to call attention to the amazing women in the craft beer community through Beers With(out) Beards, a week-long series of events culminating in a beer festival featuring breweries owned and operated by women. Coincidentally, there’s another amazing festival happening this weekend promoting diversity in craft beer.
On Saturday, August 11, The Drinking Partners and Black Brew Culture are bringing Fresh Fest to Nova Place in Pittsburgh, PA. Fresh Fest, Pittsburgh’s first Black beer festival, will feature some of the best black brewers from around the country as well as some local standouts like Dancing Gnome, Cinderlands, and East End. Some of the national breweries attending include Equilibrium Brewery, Harlem Brewing Co., Band of Brothers Brewing Co., and Cajun Fire Brewing Co. There will also be live music and food available for purchase.
Festival attendees will receive a complimentary taster and unlimited pours of over 80 beers, ciders, meads, and spirits. There are General Admission, Eary Entry, and VIP tickets available.
Fresh Fest is an opportunity for not only black brewers to get some much-deserved exposure, but also to give folks of color a chance to enjoy craft beer in a dedicated community.
“The reason most black folks don’t know much about craft beer is because the marketing and access to alcoholic beverages were limited — targeted even — to certain products beginning in the 50’s and 60’s,” Mike Potter, founder of Black Brew Culture, shared with Thrillist. “It’s a $3 billion dollar-a-year industry and I see no reason why we all can’t have a piece of the pie.”
However, much like Beers With(out) Beards, Fresh Fest isn’t restricted to a certain race or gender. Everyone is invited to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of brewers from across the country.
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