Hop Daily: March 16, 2017
The latest news about the craft beer industry.
Top 50 Craft Breweries
The Brewer’s Association just released their list of the top 50 craft breweries in the United States by volume, and some of the rankings may surprise you. Nine of the top 50 breweries are from California, and a few of last year’s biggest breweries no longer qualify as craft.
Yuengling Rebrand
After 30 years with the same branding, D.G. Yeungling & Son finally decided it was time for a redesign. Their new cans will be colored according to beer style, and feature a tan, oval logo in the center with their newly colored eagle.
Prime Now Offers Alcohol
Amazon’s Prime Now service is going to begin offering beer and wine to its delivery options in Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio. Members with Amazon Prime accounts can purchase 1-2 hour deliveries for $7.99 and have their beer brought straight to their front door.
BBQ & Beer Fest
This year’s Great American Barbecue & Beer Festival takes place March 25th in Chandler, Arizona. The festival will feature 60 pit masters, 200 kegs of craft beer, and 20,000 pounds of every type of barbecued meat you could possibly dream of.