Northcenter’s Begyle Brewing Company held a community meeting Monday night to discuss their plans to build a taproom as part of their existing space. All residents of the neighbourhood and other interested parties were invited to hear the latest plans from the three brewery founders and voice their questions and concerns.

Presenting before the standing room only crowd, founders Kevin Cary, Brendan Blume, and Matt Ritchey outlined the floor plans, opening hours, and other details (food trucks!) that encompass their vision for the taproom. A representative from the Alderman’s office was also in attendance to field questions.

After running through their plans, they opened up the floor for questions and comments. By far the biggest issue, especially to the residents on the 1800 block of Cuyler, was parking and the impact the added business would have on availability. Questions also arose concerning how Begyle would handle over-served customers (all employees are Basset certified to recognize intoxication) and any impact of the food trucks and potential litter.

While there was certainly a vocal minority who seemed opposed to the taproom build-out, the overwhelming opinion was supportive and excited for the addition to the blooming Northcenter community. Several residents spoke to how Begyle has already improved the community and the nearby Ravenswood Corridor during their first year of business; an opinion that was frequently voiced and met with applause each time.

Following the meeting, Begyle filed the necessary papers with the city. The process includes a feedback period where comments can be submitted to the Alderman’s office through October 17th.

For more on Begyle, check out our interview with co-founder Kevin Cary and watch this space for updates on the taproom build-out.