Alright, in a quest to become better aware of what good looking beer exists in Florida, I’ve landed on another beautiful design from Kendrick Kidd. This time around, we’ve found Brindle Dog Brewing Company, of Tampa Bay. Based on the limited internet activity from Brindle Dog in the last few years, it’s tough to tell if they are still in operation. But, at least these concepts look exceptionally sharp if they do ever come back from hiatus.

BDBC’s illustration and can designs are just another bit of brilliance in Kidd’s polished repertoire. It’s even a bit reminiscent of one of our favorite brewery brand’s, Uinta in Salt Lake City (Designed by Tenfold Collective). Whatever the current situation with this Tampa Bay brewing operation, I’m happy to have come across it, albeit a bit late to the party (this piece was originally shared to the web in 2011). This is just the type of dog illo I would want across my t-shirts if I were to ever start up a canine-inspired beer company.

Images from Kendrick Kidd / kendrickkidd.com