The holidays are finally over and 2015 is upon us. If you’re still sitting at your desk in denial, or perched at home hiding from the arctic chill, take a look through the latest Hoplinks for a beer themed distraction.

In this week’s Hoplinks, a beer changes it’s name, a brewery gets rendered, a founder is pissed, and some Belgians get angry about stuff. These are just some of the always intriguing going-ons in the world of beer this week. Let us know what else we should be keeping our eyes on!

NORTHCENTER, CHICAGO – The Tribune dives further into the Half Acre Heyoka/Senita name change issue with some interesting quotes from both parties.

SOUTH LOOP, CHICAGO – Our friends at Baderbräu announced in December that they’d be opening a production brewery in the South Loop. Take a look at the renderings of what the impressive new facility could look like and read through our chat with founder Rob Sama from early 2014.

KALAMAZOO, MI – Michigan’s Bell’s Brewery has announced the shipping details for their always hard to get Hopslam. The double IPA will begin shipping to Illinois the week of January 26th.

BOSTON, MA – Jim Koch, founder of Sam Adams, is not happy with the current state of craft beer. Boston Magazine gives us a fascinating inside view into the perspective of one of the modern day craft beer movement’s founding fathers.

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – An interesting read from the Wall Street Journal about the recent uprising against Belgium’s “Beer Architects.” The old, traditional brewers in Brussels signed a letter asking the law be changed surrounding contract brewing.

ON THE WEB – NoteStream, “the learning app for people too busy to learn,” launched back in December and hosts a number of attractive looking beer, wine, and liquor themed lessons. The content is available offline so makes for excellent entertainment while riding the subterranean Chicago Red Line. The app is available for iDevices right now and will hopefully role out to Android gadgets soon. 

Image courtesy of Baderbräu