Vitoria-Gasteiz, SPAIN

With the likes of Binny’s, The Beer Store, and likely your corner liquor go-to, it’s safe to say that most places that sell booze haven’t considered design to be a major priority. Enter: Spain’s Birrak Beer Store. Launched as a shop specializing in beers from around the globe, Birrak offers over 400 varieties of brew. To pair with that, they’ve got some really slick branding and collateral. According to graphic designer Yeray Vega, the logo’s interpretive barley and a shield combo is meant to harken back to the Middle Ages. It was around this time that it became customary to boil the wort with hops, creating the version of beer we still know and love today – a clever nod to this point in beer history. 



Although a bit trendy, the streamlined and hearty linework coupled with the bold type make for a solid mark. The real star of this brand is the collateral, with its consistent and uber-slick black and gold letterhead, business cards and envelopes. These items can often be overlooked, but when done well, they make a real statement for your brand. Also, although likely never produced, those custom bottle openers are top notch (even including the logo shape in the opener’s negative space). All in all, a refreshing spin on the normally bland world of beer stores.

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