O/O Brewing is a small operation out of the Swedish city, Gothenborg – the country’s second largest – on the southwest coast. Named after founders Olle & Olof Andersson, O/O tasked acclaimed Swedish design firm Lundgren+Lindqvist to build their brand by way of packaging. In true Scandinavian style, the labels employ a stiff gridded architecture with emphasis on type and stripped down airiness.

For this set of 2015 brews, L+L collaborated with various artists to complete each label’s design. The result is a set of beautiful, minimalist bottles each housing a craft beer in a uniform look, right down to the colored UPC barcodes. I could do without the overly stylized interior product shots (acrylic box of cartoon jewels?); but hey, you can’t win’em all. [Also shown below are some previous packaging designs from L+L for O/O’s beer lineup]. 

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