Bohemia was a beer first brewed back in 1905, proving its place in Mexican brewing and culinary culture. Distinguishable by their amber bottles and gold foil crown covers, Bohemia’s beers had lost their prominence among fellow Mexican lagers in recent years. In an effort to refresh it’s look, Bohemia introduced a new logo and packaging created by London design firm, Elmwood.

From Elmwood’s Press Release: We collaborated with Mexican lettering artists Lettres to redraw the Bohemia wordmark. The task was to retain the distinctive character of the ‘Bohemia’ lettering but give it an authentic and contemporary Mexican flavor. The new mark celebrates the balance of perfection and passion that goes into the beer–the perfection is achieved through the consistent rhythmic uprights while the passion comes to life through the playful flicks that break out.

Meanwhile, the Emperor, who has been iconic to the brand since its launch, remained, but with a refreshed look. Elmwood respectfully recrafted the proud figure in a contemporary style that shares a consistent visual DNA with the redrawn Bohemia wordmark. Addressing issues of clarity and simplicity means he is now an impactful and proud icon, not just an illustration.”

The new mark celebrates the balance of perfection and passion that goes into the beer.

— Elmwood Design

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Images from Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma