Drav is a beer brand out of Quebec, which utilizes simple vintage type and a bold color palette to provide a distinct aesthetic. That look was created by Montreal based

Wedge Studio, and has proven successful for the “super quality beer at a democratic price, brewed for a free and independent generation.”

From Wedge: ”Windsor, a vintage typeface, is paired with an industrial and highly functional Suisse emblem to create a distinct contrast, marked by an ownable and ‘unignorable’ color palette.”

The result is a simplified, utilitarian group of design elements that comes together for a relatively striking visual identity and packaging. Makes ya wanna have a cooler full of cold ones next to your next poolside gathering.



Drav is a quality beer offered at a friendly price, brewed for a free and independent generation. Wedge has been approached to build a new brand that reflects this state of mind.

— Wedge Studio


Images from by photographer Alex Blouin.