Flowers are a tried and true gift for Mother’s Day. A bouquet of tulips in the kitchen adds a pop of color. A hanging hydrangea basket let’s guests know that you know your way around a perennial. A potted succulent freshens up a sunny room.
But Mother’s Day is about going the extra mile for the important women in our lives. For those looking to upgrade their Mother’s Day gift, try sharing some delicious beer or a cider with the one who brought you into this world. We’ve put together a perfect pairing guide for gifting our favorite flowers with beer meant for sharing.
Peonies & Perennial Saison de Lis
Perennial’s Saison de Lis is light and subtle against the vibrant peonies. Place your bright peonies in a clear vase and pass your mom a 16 oz. can of this slightly spicy and refreshing Belgian ale. Saison de Lis’s mild tartness is balanced by the chamomile. We don’t recommend watering your peonies with this beer.
Tulips & Common Roots Barrel Aged In Bloom
A bouquet of red or yellow tulips in a clear or ceramic vase brightens any room. Most farmhouse ales would pair well with these flowers, but we went with Common Roots’ Barrel Aged In Bloom, a rustic saison that has an herbal and dry finish. The subdued copper color and the soft, balanced beer lets these tulips shine.
Rose & Graft Wild Woods: Grim Wilderness Vol. 1
Your mom isn’t really a beer fan? No problem! Pick up a can of Graft’s cider for a tart and refreshing drink that pairs perfectly with a classic rose. We went with an orange rose and Graft’s funky and tart oak-aged peach cider, Wild Woods.
Succulent & Narrow Gauge DDH Fallen Flag
A bright and juicy IPA shines alongside a simple succulent. Introduce your mom to the haze craze with this Citra and Mosaic hopped IPA from Narrow Gauge, and pair it with a small potted succulent like aloe or jade.
Hydrangeas & Tired Hands Frequency Illusion: Merlot
What do we even call this beer? It’s brewed with pilsner malt, merlot grapes, and local microflora creating a vibrant wine-like beer. If you’re lucky enough to get your hands on a bottle of Frequency Illusion, pair it with a few light and subtle hydrangeas and split the bottle with your mom.